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Study abroad in SOUTH KOREA

The South Korea study abroad program will inspire and advance students’ knowledge, understanding and real-world experience of international business. Students will have the opportunity to expand their professional network on a global scale.


FHU Study Abroad South Korea

Course Offerings in South Korea

Students will earn 3 credit hours. The program will satisfy the Business Ethics (BUS 455) common professional component for all B.B.A. majors, or will count as an elective in International Business. Students will develop their knowledge of business ethics by learning to apply ethical principles in a different culture and business environment. Assignments will include orientation sessions before, field trips during, and a reflection paper after.

 Industrial Tours

Students will visit manufacturing facilities, corporate headquarters and government organizations. Tentatively scheduled destinations include LG Chem Plant, Hyundai Motors Studio, the Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption, Incheon Port, and the demilitarized zone (DMZ). Other possibilities include: Samsung Electronics, SK Telecom, Kia, and Vizio.


Student applications must be submitted in the fall semester for the following May South Korea Trip in the fall. You must include with your application a brief written essay (limit 250 words) describing the reasons for your personal interest in the International Business Study Abroad Program in Seoul, South Korea, and how your participation might benefit you, the group, and FHU. Applications will not be complete until the college has received your deposit of $500 per person. Deposits will be refunded to all applicants not selected to participate in the program.


FHU Study Abroad South Korea Building 1 Front
FHU Study Abroad South Korea Building Hyndai