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Master of Arts in Teaching

M.A.T. Program Overview

Prepare yourself to enter the rewarding field of teaching with our Master of Arts in Teaching program. This new adventure will give you the coursework needed to pass your teaching licensure exam in the state of Tennessee. You’ll learn from experts in their field about research methods, instructional theory and design, procedures in classroom management, and more!

Graduate Studies:

College of Education and Behavioral Science

Department chair name:

Alesha Northcutt

Program Director:

Alesha Northcutt

Learning at FHU

Why should you pursue a Master of Arts in Teaching degree at FHU?

To put it simply, because we need more high-quality teachers in the PK-12 system in the state of Tennessee and we believe you’re the perfect person to fit that role! We’re also confident that our M.A.T. program will help prepare you to be an educator capable of performing at the highest level. FHU offers six areas of emphasis: Pre-K License, K-5 License, 6-12 License, K-12 Art License, K-12 Music License, and P.E. License.

The Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Degree Program at FHU equips students with the essential skills to excel in the field of speech-language pathology, audiology, and related areas of communication sciences.

Ready to Apply?

All current and new students applying for a Master’s or Doctorate program will use the online application process. 

Your Future With A Master of Arts in Teaching Degree

An educator equipped with an M.A.T. degree from FHU is guaranteed to make a transformative impact in education. Equipped with advanced expertise in your licensure area, research methods, development psychology, instructional theory and design, and much more, you’ll stand out as leaders in your school, district, and industry. From classroom management to instructional design, you’ll be prepared to shape the future of PK-12 education!

Master of Arts in Teaching Degree Requirements

Our M.A.T. program offers a perfect balance of academic excellence and spiritual enrichment. As a well-respected Christian institution, FHU is committed to providing a supportive environment that fosters growth and achievement for all of its students. With a flexible curriculum and aptly qualified faculty, earning a master’s degree in education has never been better!

I. Required Core: 10 hours
EDU 500 Introduction to Graduate Studies 1
EDU 501 Research Methods 3
EDU 503 Developmental Psychology 3
EDU 505 Instructional Theory and Design 3
II. Other Courses (Required to meet State competencies): 22 hours

(Choose one (1) of the following areas of emphases:)

A. Integrated Pre-K-3 License: (22 hours)
EDU 529A-C Foundations of Literacy I 3
EDU 539A-C Foundations of Literacy II 3
EDU 548A-C Strategies for Effective Instructions Across Content Areas 3
EDU 550A-C Professional Reflection and Planning 1
SPE 541 Differentiated Instruction and Intervention 3
SPE 544 Managing Behavior of Students with Special Needs 3
SPE 547 Assessment in Special Education 3
SPE 651 Literacy Interventions 3


B. K-5 License (22 hours)
EDU 510 Teaching Math Literacy 3
EDU 512 Procedures in Classroom Management 3
EDU 529A-C Foundations of Literacy I 3
EDU 539A-C Foundations of Literacy II 3
EDU 548A-C** Strategies for Effective Instruction Across Content Areas 3
EDU 550A-C** Professional Reflection and Planning 1
SPE 541 Differentiated Instruction and Intervention 3
SPE 651 Literacy Interventions 3



B. 6-8 License (ELA, Social Studies) (22 hours)
EDU 512 Procedures in Classroom Management 3
EDU 521A-C  Teaching Secondary School Literacy 3
EDU 548A-C** Strategies for Effective Institution Across Content Areas 3
EDU 550A-C** Professional Reflection and Planning 1
SPE 541 Differentiated Instruction and Intervention 3
SPE 651 Literacy Interventions 3
  Elective 1 3
  Elective 2 3
B. 6-8 License (Mathematics, Science) (22 hours)
EDU 510 Teaching Math Literacy 3
EDU 512  Procedures in Classroom Management 3
EDU 539A-C Foundations of Literacy II 3
EDU 548A-C** Strategies for Effective Institution Across Content Areas 3
EDU 550A-C** Professional Reflection and Planning 1
SPE 541 Differentiated Instruction and Intervention 3
SPE 651 Literacy Interventions 3
  Elective 1 3
D. 6-12 License and K-12 Art, Music, and P.E. License: (22 hours)
EDU 512 Procedures in Classroom Management 3
EDU 521A-C Teaching Secondary School Literacy 3
EDU 630 Professionalism and Ethics 3
EDU 548A-C Advanced Literacy IV: Teaching Methods Across Content Areas 3
EDU 550A-C Professional Reflection and Planning 1
SPE 541 Differentiated Instruction and Intervention 3
SPE 651 Literacy Interventions 3
IV. Student Teaching 1-12 hours

(Required Courses for Licensure/Job-Embedded Practitioner License)

EDU 524 Enhanced Student Teaching OR (12)
EDU 597** Mentoring in the Classroom (Job-Embedded Licensure or Permit Students) (1)


Exit Requirements for M.A.T. (Degree-Completer):
  1. Admission to the Teacher Education program and candidacy status.
  2. Minimum of thirty-two (32) graduate hours applicable to the M.A.T. program.
  3. Cumulative graduate grade point average of 3.00 or above, with no more than  six (6) “C” grades in their program of study.
  4. Successful completion of all coursework with a 3.0 or higher GPA, completion of all state-required assessments including edTPA for the endorsement area, and completion of the Literary Success Act Training before a recommendation will be made for a Practitioner teaching license. For those candidates pursuing the Job Embedded pathway, please contact FHU’s Licensure Officer to determine eligibility and/or licensure completion.
    • All required licensure assessments (excluding edTPA) must be passed and the scores must be received by the university by the latest date of the 1st-8 weeks of the semester the student plans to graduate If passing scores for all required licensure assessments (excluding edTPA) are not received by the university by the set date, the student will not be allowed to walk in that semester’s graduation ceremony.
    • edTPA must be submitted by the last date of the 1st-8 weeks of the semester the student plans to graduate. If a student does not pass edTPA on their first submission to the external scoring agency, they will not be allowed to walk in that semester’s graduation ceremony. (Note: If a student received a non-passing initial score (from the external scoring agency), and must resubmit their edTPA for rescoring, whether in part or whole, this is considered a non-passing score on their first submission and they will not walk in graduation that semester.)
    • To pass EDU550 – students will have to pass edTPA, meet all licensure assessment requirements, and show proof of meeting any TN Literacy Success Act requirements. Students will continue to re-enroll in EDU550 until they earn a passing grade. No grade of “incomplete” will be given for this course. (Note: Job-embedded students will take EDU550 but will be excused for the edTPA requirements.)
  5. Successful completion of clinical experience (EDU 524 Enhanced Student Teaching or EDU 597B/C Mentoring in the Classroom).
  6. All coursework applicable to the M.A.T. Program of Study must be completed within six years of graduation.
  7. Students seeking initial licensure must have a minimum 2.75 GPA, pass all required Praxis examination(s) including edTPA, and successfully complete the Literacy Success Act Training before a recommendation will be made for a practitioner teaching license.
Requirements for Licensure-Completer:
  1. Admission to the Teacher Education program and candidacy status.
  2. Successful completion of all licensure coursework listed in their program of study within six (6) years of applying for a traditional teaching license.
  3. Cumulative graduate grade point average of 2.75 or above on the last sixty (60) hours of coursework.
  4. Successful completion of state required assessments for their endorsement area. For Job-Embedded candidates, all required assessments/approved content major must be successfully completed. Please contact FHU’s Licensure Officer with any questions.
  5. Successful completion of clinical experience (EDU 524 Enhanced Student Teaching or EDU 597B/C Mentoring in the Classroom).
  6. Students seeking initial licensure must have a minimum 2.75GPA, pass all required Praxis examination(s) including edTPA, and successfully complete the Literacy Success Act Training before a recommendation will be made for a practitioner teaching license. 

**Required for students completing the program on a Job-Embedded Practitioner’s License or a Permit

Students completing the 6-8 or 6-12 Math program of study have the option to obtain a 6-10 Math License.


Admission Requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching Degree

To be considered for admission into the M.A.T. program at FHU, please submit the following:

  • Free online application
  • Official transcripts for all undergraduate and graduate degrees
  • Interview with the program director
  • Copy of Photo ID

Frequently Asked Questions About the M.A.T. program at FHU

How will an M.A.T. advance my career?

If you want to teach in the PK-12 school system in the state of Tennessee, you need to hold an active teaching license. This program will go above and beyond to help prepare you to pass the state licensure exam and begin your rewarding career as an educator!

What content areas are involved in completing an MA in Teaching?

Licensure may be attained for elementary grades K-5, Integrated PreK-3, and in the following secondary endorsement areas: art K-12, biology 6-12, business education 6-12, chemistry 6-12, English 6-8, English 6-12, government 6-12, history 6-12, mathematics 6-8, mathematics 6-10, mathematics 6-12, music K-12, physical education (kinesiology) K-12, psychology 9-12, science 6-8, social studies 6-8, Spanish PreK-12, speech communication 6-12, and theatre K-12.

How long will it take me to complete a Master’s in Teaching?

Students can complete the M.A.T. program in as little as 15 months. However, students can choose to take fewer hours and complete in 24 months or longer. Whichever fits your schedule best!

What makes graduate education different at FHU?

Because at FHU, it’s more than an education. Our faculty are not just instructors. They act as mentors and guides to help you develop as your pursue advanced education. And your peers? They not only want to make a difference in the classroom, but they want to make themselves, their families, and their communities better. And that’s exactly why we exist: to expand a student’s professional knowledge for a higher purpose.

Want to Learn More?

Check out the Graduate Studies page on our website. If you’d like to discuss anything further, submit an inquiry or schedule a visit and we’ll have someone from the Office of Graduate Studies contact you.