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Master’s of Education in Instructional Leadership (M.Ed.)

Master’s of Education in Instructional Leadership (M.Ed.) Overview

Advance your career with a Master in Education in Instructional Leadership. This new adventure will give you the coursework and experience needed to advance in the administration sector of education. You’ll learn from experts in their field about research methods, school business management, administration, leadership theories, and more!

Graduate Studies:

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Department chair name:

Dr. Amy Downey
Program Director

Program Director:

Dr. Amy. Downey
Interim Director

Learning at FHU

Why should you pursue a Master of Education in Instructional Leadership at FHU?

Because we need more high-quality leaders in the PK-12 education system and we believe you’re the perfect person to fit that role! We’re also confident that our M.Ed in Instructional Leadership program will help prepare you to be an educator capable of performing at the highest level. Our coursework, faculty, and mentorship will ensure you’re well prepared for the next step in your career!

How to get my Tennessee Instructional Leadership license? How do you become an administrator in the state of Tennessee? How to get hired as a principal in Tennessee?

Ready to Apply?

All current and new students applying for a Master’s or Doctorate program will use the online application process. 

Online master of education degrees. What all can I do with a master of education degree? What masters do I need to be a school administrator?

Your Future With A Master of Education in Instructional Leadership Degree

An educator equipped with a degree from FHU is guaranteed to make a transformative impact in education, specifically in the administrative sector. Courses such as The Principalship, Data Analysis for School Improvement, Education Law, and more will equip you to be ready for your administrative role on day 1!

Master’s of Education in Instructional Leadership (M.Ed.) Requirements


M.Ed. Degree in Instructional Leadership
Concentration in Administration and Supervision (Licensure)

Required Core: 34 hours (13 Core, and 21 Administrative) 

EDU 500 Introduction to Graduate Studies 1
EDU 501 Research Methods 3
EDU 503 Developmental Psychology 3
EDU 505 Instructional Theory and Design 3
EDU 635 Advanced Legal Issues 3
Administrative Courses
EDU 601 Foundations of School Administration and Supervision 3
EDU 610 Leadership Theories and Applications 3
EDU 611 School Business Management 3
EDU 612 School and Community Relations 3
EDU 613 The Principalship 3
EDU 614 Instructional Leadership Licensure Internship 3
EDU 637 Data Analysis for School Improvement 3
Exit Requirements for M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership; Administration and Supervision (Licensure)
  1. Successful completion of the above coursework with a 3.00 GPA and any other requirements for the M.Ed. degree.
  2. Completion of all courses within a six–year period. Upon enrolling in EDU 601 Foundations of School Administration and Supervision, ILL candidates will complete a field experience proposal. The minimum time for ILL candidates to complete the field experience is three (3) semesters. The maximum time to complete the field experience is three (3) years.
  3. Passage of the Instructional Leadership Praxis 6990.
  4. Exit interview with the Program Director of Instructional Leadership will include ensuring that candidate’s field experience artifacts demonstrate the required competencies outlined in the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS). Students will electronically record field experience artifacts in Canvas. Completed disposition assessments by the candidate’s mentor in all ILL core courses EDU 610 Leadership Theories and Applications, EDU 611 School Business Management, EDU 612 School and Community Relations, EDU 613 The Principalship, EDU 614 Instructional Leadership Licensure Internship, and EDU 637 Data Analysis for School Improvement must be completed and submitted to Canvas at the end of each course. The candidate’s field experience is completed when the ILL candidate has demonstrated the skills of an aspiring school leader by submitting artifacts to the TILS Appraisal Instrument and the documentation associated with the TILS Supplement to Canvas. A detailed explanation addressing all aspects of the field experience process can be found in the FHU Instructional Leadership Licensure Internship Handbook.

Exception: No more than six (6) hours of the core Instructional Leadership Licensure courses (EDU 601 Foundations of School Administration and Supervision, EDU 610 Leadership Theories and Applications, EDU 611 School Business Management, EDU 612 School and Community Relations, EDU 613 The Principalship, EDU 614 Instructional Leadership Licensure Internship, and EDU 637 Data Analysis for School Improvement) may be transferred from a prior institution.

Tennessee Instructional Leadership Licensure (ILL)

Freed–Hardeman University will utilize the identified procedures for students applying for the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Licensure (ILL) as follows:

  1. Freed–Hardeman University has an approved Education Preparation Program, which will recommend program completers for the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Licensure-Beginner (ILL–B). Freed–Hardeman University will support school administration candidates for the Instructional Leadership Licensure-Aspiring (ILL–A) upon recommendation of our partnering Local Education Agencies (LEA).
  2. Students with a prior M.Ed. degree who desire to follow a “licensure only” path to receive the ILL–B must meet the same entrance and exit requirements listed for the M.Ed. degree.

*Freed–Hardeman University is obligated to maintain compliance with the Instructional Leadership Licensure (ILL) requirements as established by the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE). The TDOE may change ILL requirements as directed by the appropriate oversight commissions at any time. Freed–Hardeman University will make appropriate modifications to the curriculum based on the directives received by the TDOE.

Admission Requirements for the M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership Degree

To be considered for admission into the M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership program at FHU, please submit the following:

  • Free online application
  • Official transcripts for undergraduate and graduate degrees
  • Verification of 3 years of teaching experience
  • Interview with the program director
  • Copy of Photo ID

Frequently Asked Questions About the M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership program at FHU

Have more questions about our M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership degree? We’ve provided the most commonly asked questions below. If you’d like to discuss anything further, submit an inquiry and we’ll have someone from the Graduate Admissions Office contact you.

How will an M.Ed in Instructional Leadership advance my career?

Earning an M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership can significantly advance your career in the field of education. Our program is designed to prepare educators for leadership roles within schools and educational organizations. Here are a few ways our program will help advance your career:

  • Qualifies You for Leadership Opportunities – This degree equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a leading candidate for roles in educational leadership.
  • Allows You to Earn More Money – Not only will most school districts offer raises for those with master’s degrees, but you’ll also be qualified to take on leadership roles that often pay more!
  • Personal Growth – Pursuing advanced education can be personally fulfilling and intellectually stimulating. It can boost your confidence and self-esteem, which can positively affect your career and personal life.
How long will it take me to complete a Master’s in Education in Instructional Leadership?

This program consists of 36 credit hours. By enrolling as a full-time student (9 credit hours per semester), you could finish in as little as five semesters. This would entail enrolling in all three terms (Fall, Spring, and Summer). However, if life is busy and work is hectic, you can elect to take fewer credit hours each semester. You’ll still finish within the allotted time frame and it will allow you a proper work-life balance!

I already have a master’s in education but I need my instructional leadership licensure. Is there a “licensure-only” track for this program?

Yes! We utilize the procedures required for students applying for the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Licensure. The licensure-only track consists of 21 credit hours. Students interested in this track must meet the same entrance and exit requirements as those in the M.Ed. program.

What makes graduate education different at FHU?

Because at FHU, it’s more than an education. Our faculty are not just instructors. They act as mentors and guides to help you develop as you pursue advanced education. And your peers? They not only want to make a difference in the classroom, but they want to make themselves, their families, and their communities better. And that’s exactly why we exist: to expand a student’s professional knowledge for a higher purpose.

Questions about the application process?

Have more questions about applying for a graduate or doctorate program? If you’d like to discuss anything further, submit an inquiry or schedule a visit and we’ll have someone from the Office of Graduate Studies contact you.